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© London Bulgarian Choir 2017

Christmas Concert 2008

Director/Cameraman Anton Goutev has been discreetly following us around for a while - he says he's making a documentary, but we think he just loves the music. For our Christmas Concert in 2008, he set up with three huge cameras and made a broadcast-quality film of our concert. We've always wanted to make a live album; we're fortunate to be able to offer this one in colour!

You'll recognise some of the songs from Alyana Galyana, but there are plenty of new ones and, of course, you get to see the choir in all its wonky glory. Our guests at the concert were Dessi's sublime trio The Dessibelles, who star on four tracks.

The few remaining copies may be available at concerts, and when they're gone, they're gone!

Vetar Veye*
Gospodi, Pomilui
Tebe Poem
Izgreyala Yasna Zvezda
Tsarsko Momche
Reche Mama Da Me Zheni*
Malka Moma Dvori Mete
Mor’f Elenku
Ei, Muri Ruzhke
Sednalo E Jore Dos
Shto Mi E Milo
Oi, Shope, Shope
Zaspalo E Chelebiiche*
Ibish Aga*
Sluntse Se Slega
Pilence Pee
Sednalo E Gyore Dos
Tukala Li Si
Ergen Deda
Izgryala E Mesechinka

* = Dessibelles

This medley of sock-knitting songs is kicked off by the men with Ei, Muri Ruzhke, swiftly followed by Sednalo E Jore Dos. The songs are a bit flirty, because these are special socks knitted for your lover...

Pilentce Pée is a freedom-fighting song - we sang it for 6500 people at the Doves concert in Manchester Central (the old GMEX) in December last year. This is how it works full force and unamplified.